Adorn Your Lips, Embrace Tradition: Tribes That Flaunt Lip Plates

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Adorn Your Lips, Embrace Tradition: Tribes That Flaunt Lip Plates

In a world where cultural expressions take myriad forms, a peculiar tradition stands out: the wearing of lip plates. These circular disks, inserted into the lower lip, have adorned the faces of various tribes throughout history. Embark on a journey to discover the captivating stories behind these adornments and the unique cultures that have embraced them.

While the origins of lip plates remain shrouded in mystery, their significance is undeniable. For some tribes, they symbolize beauty and femininity, while for others, they represent cultural identity and social status. Yet, beneath the allure of these adornments lies a hidden narrative of pain and sacrifice. The stretching of the lip to accommodate the plate is an arduous and often agonizing process that leaves lasting physical and emotional scars.

From the Mursi tribe of Ethiopia to the Kayan Lahwi people of Myanmar, the tradition of lip plates has endured despite the challenges it poses. These tribes have found beauty and meaning in these adornments, integrating them into their cultural fabric and passing them down through generations. Their resilience and unwavering commitment to their heritage serve as a testament to the enduring power of tradition and the intricate tapestry of human diversity.

Lip plates have captivated the curiosity of anthropologists, scholars, and travelers alike. They have inspired countless works of art, literature, and photography, immortalizing the stories of the people who wear them. Their beauty and cultural significance have transcended geographical and temporal boundaries, leaving an indelible mark on the collective human consciousness.

Lip Plates: A Cultural Expression of Identity and Beauty


In various cultures across the globe, body modifications have historically played a significant role in expressing identity, beauty, and cultural heritage. Among these modifications, lip plates hold a fascinating place. This article delves into the intriguing world of lip plates, exploring the tribes that adorn them, their cultural significance, and the diverse forms they take.

Tribes That Wear Lip Plates:

Mursi Tribe (Ethiopia)

  • Mursi Tribe women wearing lip plates

  • The Mursi tribe, residing in the Omo Valley region of Ethiopia, is renowned for its distinctive lip plates. Primarily worn by women, these circular clay or wooden disks symbolize beauty, fertility, and social status.

Sara Tribe (Chad)

  • Sara Tribe women wearing lip plates

  • Found in southern Chad, the Sara tribe incorporates lip plates into their cultural traditions. These plates, made from clay or wood, serve as a sign of beauty and maturity among Sara women.

Bodi Tribe (Ethiopia)

  • Bodi Tribe women wearing lip plates

  • Inhabiting the southwestern region of Ethiopia, the Bodi tribe is known for its elaborate lip plates. These plates, crafted from clay or wood, symbolize beauty and fertility and are worn by women as a sign of readiness for marriage.

Makonde Tribe (Tanzania)

  • Makonde Tribe women wearing lip plates

  • The Makonde tribe, located in southern Tanzania, practices the tradition of lip plates as a symbol of beauty and cultural identity. These plates, made from wood or clay, are worn by women and are believed to enhance their attractiveness.

Cultural Significance of Lip Plates:

  1. Beauty and Adornment: In many cultures, lip plates are considered a form of body adornment and a symbol of physical beauty. The larger the plate, the more attractive the woman is perceived to be.

  2. Social Status and Identity: Lip plates often denote an individual’s social status and identity. For example, among the Mursi tribe, the size of the lip plate indicates the woman’s wealth and fertility.

  3. Transition to Adulthood: In some cultures, lip plates symbolize the transition from childhood to adulthood. Wearing a lip plate signifies that a girl has reached marriageable age and is ready to take on adult responsibilities.

  4. Cultural Identity and Heritage: Lip plates serve as a visible representation of a tribe’s cultural identity and heritage. They connect individuals to their ancestors and provide a sense of belonging to a distinct cultural group.

Diversity in Lip Plate Styles:

  1. Circular Plates: The most common form of lip plates is circular in shape. These plates are inserted into a pierced lower lip and range in size from small to large.

  2. Square and Rectangular Plates: Some tribes, like the Sara tribe, wear square or rectangular lip plates. These plates are typically made of wood and inserted into the lower lip.

  3. Multiple Plates: In certain cultures, women wear multiple lip plates, creating a visually striking display. The Bodi tribe, for instance, inserts several clay or wooden plates into their lower lips.

  4. Ornate Designs: Many lip plates feature intricate designs and patterns, reflecting the artistic traditions of the tribe. These designs may include geometric shapes, floral motifs, or even human figures.

The Process of Wearing Lip Plates:

  1. Lip Piercing: The initial step involves piercing the lower lip, typically done during childhood or adolescence. This piercing is usually carried out by a skilled elder or a traditional healer.

  2. Insertion: Once the piercing heals, a small lip plate is inserted. Over time, larger plates are gradually inserted to stretch the lip. This stretching process can take months or even years.

  3. Maintenance: Wearing lip plates requires ongoing maintenance. The plates must be cleaned regularly to prevent infection and ensure proper healing of the pierced lip.

Challenges and Controversies:

  1. Health Concerns: Inserting lip plates can pose health risks, including pain, infection, and gum disease. Additionally, the stretching of the lip can lead to permanent deformation.

  2. Cultural Appropriation: In recent years, there has been growing criticism against the appropriation of lip plates by non-indigenous individuals. Critics argue that wearing lip plates without understanding their cultural significance is disrespectful and exploitative.


Lip plates, with their captivating aesthetics and profound cultural significance, offer a glimpse into the diverse expressions of beauty and identity across different cultures. These adornments, deeply rooted in tradition, continue to captivate and intrigue people worldwide. However, it is crucial to approach the practice of lip plates with respect and understanding, recognizing their cultural importance and the challenges associated with them.


  1. Why do some tribes wear lip plates?
  • Lip plates are worn for various reasons, including cultural identity, beauty, social status, and the transition to adulthood.
  1. What are lip plates made of?
  • Lip plates are typically made of wood, clay, or bone, depending on the cultural practices of the tribe.
  1. How are lip plates inserted?
  • Lip plates are inserted into a pierced lower lip. The piercing is done during childhood or adolescence, and the plates are gradually stretched over time.
  1. Are lip plates painful to wear?
  • Inserting and wearing lip plates can cause discomfort and pain, especially during the initial stretching process. However, many individuals adapt to the sensation over time.
  1. Are lip plates still worn today?
  • Yes, lip plates are still worn by certain tribes in Africa and South America, although the practice is declining due to various factors, including health concerns and cultural assimilation.

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